Posted by: merlkellogg | February 8, 2012

Kalos Healing the Cause Video

Welcome and thank you for visiting The One Whole Point Wholistic Health Consulting.

Well-being is our natural state. We were all born with it. Yet unwittingly, we seem to always look outside of ourselves for it–as if finding it there is not only possible, but imperative. Consequently, a trend of replacing our innate healing power with various “resources” has become all too common.

Healing the Cause is a video introduction to Kalos, the Art of Health Facilitation, which is the method that I practice. Kalos supports people in understanding the underlying causes of their health so they can take charge of it and create well-being in virtually every area of their lives. After all, isn’t well-being ultimately The One Whole Point of all we do?

Special thanks to my good friends, Eric and Cathlyn of Carma Media and Entertainment for producing this outstanding video.

Deep Heart,


